Jazzing Up A New Year's Resolution

Yes, that’s me last week, wearing my good luck scarf in the lobby at “The Nutcracker”, in San Jose. I'm on the right, and it looks like I’ll need plenty of luck. It's another photo taken on my iPhone. Thank you, Bunch.

For good luck, wedding planners often have the bride wear “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”, and that’s my theme today. I’ve been considering New Year’s Resolutions, and decided they have to be upbeat this year. Same with you? Anyway, today I settled on four gems, each inspired by something I read or heard last Sunday morning.

First, something OLD. How often do we hear the expression “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”? It first appeared in a 1905 book by philosopher George Santayana, and Ben Stein mentioned it in his recent column about why people continue to fall for “you-can’t-fail-to-get-rich” schemes, despite all we’ve learned about them.

Stein is a practical, sensible fellow, and he uses finances here as a springboard to talk about old, tried-and-true notions of what REALLY counts. Things your mother taught you. Hint: it’s not about money in the bank -- that stuff comes and goes. It’s what kind of person you truly are. How you treat family, friends, and strangers, and support your community and nation.

I like his message, and I’d add it’s also how you prepare for the future. So for my first resolution, I’m riffing on a theme from “random acts of kindness”. I resolve to smile at the first driver who cuts me off every morning. Wouldn’t it be nice if each of us added a little more good cheer every day?

This resolution is nothing new, but it’ll be a start. In my next blog I'll reveal another resolution: something BLUE. In the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy a wonderful New Year’s Eve celebration. I resolve to enjoy mine. I’ll be jazzing up a private party for several hundred people in Palo Alto. In the works since last September, the party’s theme is “Fascinatin’ Rhythm”, and the place will be SWINGIN’!

By the way, will you be celebrating a significant event soon? Throw a party and include us. Today I'm talking with people planning parties for Valentine's Day and Easter. If you'll have a party on one of these days, or on any day in between, now's a good time to plan the details, including the music. Have a question? We'll have the answer.

Call us at 408-245-9120. You'll love what we do. We're easy to work with, so let our experience help your celebration. Please visit MagnoliaJazz.com for details, and I hope to see you soon.

Please leave me a comment. What do you think about all this? I'd love your opinions and comments.

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