June 30, 2008
Here we are, playing requests (a standard "extra service" for any band) at a cocktail party two weeks ago at the University Club, in Palo Alto. Thanks for the photo, Cristina.
Looking to jazz up your next party? Are friends planning a wedding? Please recommend us. They can preview us right now at MagnoliaJazz.com or at a great 4th of July event in Cupertino -- an opportunity to picnic, enjoy a wonderful family atmosphere, and there’ll be fireworks, too. Come early!
First, a confession. I’m in the habit of telling people I make a living going to parties. (Maybe you’ve heard this before.) Actually, it’s truer to say I help people enjoy the kinds of parties they wish for.
Since 1975, I’ve been involved with what people today call the “Service Industry.” So, like a waiter in a restaurant, my job actually is to listen to people tell me what they REALLY want, and then do my best to deliver it. And more.
Nowadays, those last two words are becoming more and more crucial. Attention to details has always been important, and today it's become a hot topic. Compared with ten years ago, these are challenging times, and across the board, the best of the best are exceeding expectations with extra service.
How many times a day do you hear, “Anything else I can help you with today?” I’ve been counting, and in the last 12 hours I’ve heard it in person and on the phone from a dentist, a phone company, a bank, and 2 retail stores. Lots of people are asking, and they’re all listening carefully for what we want -- trying to out-listen and out-deliver their competitors.
It’s fun to watch people finally discover the power of “extra service”. It’s nothing new to me -- I’ve been digging down deep to provide “extra service” all along, and I’ll even toss in a “surprise” whenever I can.
A photographer friend recently told me some brides-to-be now expect him to provide a professional make-up artist for his sessions. So he has found something new to ask about and listen for. Are you noticing this, too?
No matter what business you’re in, I bet you’re finding similar new ways to provide that extra touch of service. Similarly, many of the people who serve you are eager to give you a little extra, too -- a better discount, finer quality, or faster delivery.
By the way, I’m seeing this “extra service” trend not just in business, but among casual friends, too. But that’s a blog for another day. In the meantime, people still celebrate -- whether it’s a wedding, an anniversary, or the good fortune to be still in business. Is a significant event coming up for you? Throw a party! When you’re considering a band for your party, call me. We’ll talk about what you REALLY want at the celebration, and how I’ll deliver it. And more.
We're ready to help with your next party, whether it's a lively bash, an elegant banquet, or something in between. Swinging standards make everything memorable. Elegant & unique. Upbeat, danceable, & mellow. Today I'm talking with people planning parties for Bastille Day and Labor Day. If you'll have a party on one of these days, or on any day in between, now's a good time to plan the details, including the music.
Call us at 408-245-9120. You'll love what we do. We're veteran party-goers, easy to work with, and we know what it'll take to make your party a success. We've entertained people since 1975, so let our experience help your next celebration.
We play at private parties nearly every day, and you can preview us at one of our public events. Click here for details on these events and more.
Fri, July 4, 6:45-9:15pm
two 4th of July Picnics
two parks in Cupertino
Sat, July 19, 6:30-9:30pm
Benefit Dinner & Dance Party
Ridgemark Country Club, Hollister
Thur, July 31, 9:30pm-12:30am
The Island Grill
Clarion Airport Hotel, San Jose
Hello world!
4 years ago
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