New Year's Resolution: Maximize Efficiency

January 3, 2008

Happy New Year. Making any good resolutions? Here's mine, and you might
like it, too: Whatever you do, vow to be more efficient. Maximize the time
you devote to whatever you do best. Focus on the most effective and satisfying
80% of all you have -- personal and business activities -- and "weed out" the
rest. Seems to me life's too short for keeping time-wasters, and the start of a
new year is a great time to "clean house". (Listen to that, I must be getting old.)

I hope you've enjoyed wonderful holiday parties. I'm working with some people
who skipped last year's holiday rush, to schedule their next event in January or
later in the spring.

They mention several advantages to this plan, including links with holidays like
Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, and St. Patrick's Day, and it'll be easier on the
budget. If you like this strategy, too, now's a good time to start planning details,
including music.

We're veteran party-goers -- easy to work with, and we know what it takes to
make your party perfect. We've entertained people nearly every day since 1975.
So for your next party, let our experience help you.

Preview us at one of our public events. Find details for this and more on our website.

Sat, Feb 2, 5:30-8:30pm
Elegant benefit party
Ralston Hall, Belmont

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