November 6, 2008.
Maybe it’s the easy way I smile, but people are always telling me how lucky I am to make a living doing what I love. If you’ve ever caught us in action, you’ve seen it’s all about enjoying what we do. Sometime we need to be up front, in everyone’s face, keeping the joint jumping. Other times we need to stay out of the way, and let our music create the right mood. Either way, I love being able to help people have a good time.
Here we are last April 29, providing a soft background for a trade show in the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara. Our job was to keep the room upbeat and comfortable, and, sure enough, everyone there was deeply immersed in their conversations. Which is exactly what you want at a trade show. Looks like we were pretty deeply immersed, too. Whatever the event calls for, whether we’re “front and center” or “out of the way”, whether we’re playing “Summertime” or “I’ve Got the World on a String”, our beautiful music always helps the event, and we always enjoy our little “conversation”.
Thanks for the nice photo, Dave (of Lepori Photography, in Los Gatos). Left to right: Gary Milliken, me, and Andy Norblin.
I thought of this photo last week, when I read an article titled “Think Like A Millionaire”. The author describes research that shows several ways that millionaires tend to think differently from typical people. One way caught my eye: Millionaires learn to seek careers they love. Simple as that! They avoid careers that are dull or a bad fit, because they drain our energy, ambition, and productivity. The rest of the article describes several other habits that help millionaires reach their careers and accumulate serious wealth. Check it out -- it’s interesting reading.
Let me put it another way. My grandfather used to joke: “Hey kid, if you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?” Now I think I know the answer. Just being smart isn’t enough. To succeed, we need to develop the right habits, and then keep working at them all the time.
There’s a saying: “Do what you love, and the money will follow.” Well, I think we’re better off exercising a bit more control over our destiny, and working at it every day. Everyone has the option to make a living doing what they love, but we all need to learn how to make it happen. Sure, that takes some work, but wouldn’t it be nice if we all developed some of those shrewd millionaire habits to guide our careers, and our lives? If you agree, read the article, and the book it’s based on. And this brings me back to loving what I do every day.
While I’m no millionaire (yet), we have done our homework, and we’ve become quite good. As entertainers, we’ve spent years honing our skills, learning what makes parties succeed, and we strive for our very best at every party. We can do the same for you. Is a significant event coming up in your life? Throw a party and include us. Or do you have friends planning their wedding? Please recommend us.
Today I'm talking with people planning parties for Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve. If you'll have a party on one of these days, or on any day in between, now's a good time to plan the details, including the music. Have a question? We’ll have the answer.
Call us at 408-245-9120. You'll love what we do. We're easy to work with, so let our experience help your celebration. We play at private parties nearly every day, and you can preview us on Friday, November 7 (in the lobby at San Jose’s Center for Performing Arts), Thursday, November 13 (at a casual benefit dinner in San Jose), and on Saturday, November 15 (at an elegant benefit dinner in San Francisco). Please visit for details on these events and more, and I hope to see you soon.
Please leave me a comment. What do you think about all this? I’d love your opinions and comments.
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